Most of us know that keeping active and leading a healthier lifestyle has many benefits on a personal level, including increased energy levels, weight loss and reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. That’s not the only thing that it benefits though. Have you ever considered the benefits that staying active and healthy could have on a person’s productivity levels? Well, maybe it’s time you thought about how having a more active workforce could also help to increase your business productivity and efficiency all round. As an employer, there are plenty of things you can do in the workplace to encourage your team to get active, so everyone, including you, can reap the rewards of a fitter and healthier workforce. Of course, it’s important not to pressure people to take part, but gentle encouragement and inclusion can bring a happier workplace and mean that you all work together better as a team. Why not review how you operate and consider implementing some of these ideas and take a step in the right direction to better productivity.

Activity Trackers

Incentivise your team with a reward for the person who clocks up the most activity in a given week or month. Activity trackers are a great way to do this, plus with replaceable batteries they have a long life span too. With varying capabilities, the activity tracker can be simply a pedometer or a more comprehensive fitness tracker, allowing you to keep track on activity levels, whatever your level of fitness. You can increase team morale and fitness, whilst improving overall productivity in a fun and healthy way too.

Make a Stand

If your company is office based, having your workforce sitting at desks for hours on end is not good for productivity or their health. The simple act of standing is proven to increase the body’s metabolic rate and helps to burn more fat enzymes. Mix up the working day and create a standing area for remote working, this is easy to do with wireless computer equipment. Make your standing area a social spot for informal meetings or simply eating lunch.

Brain Training

It isn’t just your body that needs to stay active, keeping your brain active and healthy is also a great way to increase your productivity. A great way to do this is by using computer brain training exercises that will help increase cognitive brain activity and increase overall productivity levels too. [caption id="attachment_200" align="alignnone" width="300"]active workforce keep your workforce active[/caption] By helping your staff stay active, you are not only increasing productivity levels but also helping your business succeed.